Certified respiratory protection – medisana, the company based in Neuss, supplies new FFP2 masks

Hong Kong, 12 July 2020. Whether in the supermarket or in public transport – to prevent the spread of the corona virus, the obligation to wear a mask still applies in Germany, as it does in many other countries. Even if this is lifted soon, we recommend that people with previous illnesses, medical staff and all other “heroes of the crisis” who are exposed to an increased risk of infection every day wear only certified protective masks.

Since the market was flooded with high-priced and ineffective masks for everyday use in a relatively short time, it is particularly important to pay attention to quality features for protective masks, such as a CE marking including the test number (CE 2834), a valid EN designation, model number and manufacturer information.

Now the Neuss-based company medisana, a proven specialist for medical devices, has received a new delivery of medically certified protective masks of class FFP2, CE-certified (CE 2834) according to Regulation (EU) 2016/425 for personal protective equipment and the applicable EN 149:2001/A1:2009 standard. This European certificate is valid for five years.

“As a healthcare provider, we consider it our duty to ensure the best possible safety for this particularly vulnerable population and to provide information about the protection classes of the masks and therefore make an effective contribution to the fight against the virus,” emphasises Thomas Hollefeld, Managing Director of medisana.

FFP protective masks (the abbreviation FFP stands for “Filtering Face Piece”) are divided into three protection categories. A distinction is made between FFP1, FFP2 and FFP3. The masks are made of hardened paper or fabric, are multi-layered, have filters, sit a short distance over the mouth and nose, and lie tight against to the cheeks. Only masks of protection classes FFP2 and FFP3 offer the best possible protection against infection.

Both public institutions such as hospitals, clinics and retirement homes as well as specialist retailers in European countries are supplied at fair prices in order to make the masks available to end users.

The medisana FFP2 protective masks RM 100 are now available online and in specialist shops.