

Effective tips for stress reduction

We live in a society distinguished by information and knowledge. By now, we are used to dealing with the most diverse aspects of everyday life “at the touch of a button” or the combination of private and work-related matters. This modern life overburdens many people...
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What are the triggers of stress?

How does stress develop? Stress is a natural physical reaction to mental or physical burdens. The development of stress has biochemical and biological causes, which we will discuss in more detail in the following. Thereby, it should be evident that: Stress as a term is...
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More positivity, less stress!

Preventing stress – for more well-being and happiness in life The paradox of our time is that we live in such a fast-paced, changing world, in which there is usually nothing essentially lacking, but we still do not find the time to deal with the...
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Yoga brings happiness

Yoga, which stems from Indian-based philosophical teachings, is now widespread and has become a real health trend. These days, every city and town has a yoga studio. An increasing number of people are now flocking to these studios. The fitness, health and wellness boom has...
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Stressful times

First of all, the facts. For a few days now, everything has been closed: bars, clubs, discotheques, pubs, gyms, swimming pools, water parks, saunas, playgrounds, sports playing fields, cinemas, amusement arcades, casinos and betting shops. Schools, day-care centres, adult education centres, music schools, theatres, opera...
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Now, in the difficult times of the coronavirus pandemic, we are facing up to a problem that has been ignored for a long time: loneliness. Almost 50 million people in Europe don’t meet friends or relatives at all throughout the year. They live in total...
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Work-life balance

The term “work-life balance” has been hotly debated for several years. People today are striving to achieve a good quality of life. In addition, “faster, higher, further” has been out of favour since the start of the coronavirus crisis. Finding the balance between career, work...
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New work

Our current search for a better quality of life is nothing new. Seeking a balance between career, work and private life is a concern for individuals and science alike. We will continue to search for a balanced relationship between our private and professional lives, because...
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Fit & healthy working from home

What are the rules and how do I keep fit? Many employees find the constant availability associated with working from home very stressful. If they also have children at home, things can quickly get out of hand. A lot of people are finding the change...
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What’s the rush?

How can we stop everyday stress from getting us down? After all, we’ve all been through a tough time recently. Working from home and home schooling in recent times have led to a lot of stressed mothers, fathers and children. It’s time to relax, take...
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Tea lovers and teatime

Last year, we wrote a great story about coffee in our blog and found out that it’s healthier than we think. We found out that in Europe, Luxembourg is the leading consumer of coffee, closely followed by the Netherlands, Scandinavians, and Austrians. Then come the...
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Sleep disorders

Sometimes you get the impression that we live in a strange world. We try to eat healthily, we exercise, we are mindful and are paying more attention to our health than ever. Yet we are sleeping badly, and the problem is only getting worse. Poor...
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