

Fit & healthy working from home

What are the rules and how do I keep fit? Many employees find the constant availability associated with working from home very stressful. If they also have children at home, things can quickly get out of hand. A lot of people are finding the change...
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New work

Our current search for a better quality of life is nothing new. Seeking a balance between career, work and private life is a concern for individuals and science alike. We will continue to search for a balanced relationship between our private and professional lives, because...
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What’s the rush?

How can we stop everyday stress from getting us down? After all, we’ve all been through a tough time recently. Working from home and home schooling in recent times have led to a lot of stressed mothers, fathers and children. It’s time to relax, take...
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Tea lovers and teatime

Last year, we wrote a great story about coffee in our blog and found out that it’s healthier than we think. We found out that in Europe, Luxembourg is the leading consumer of coffee, closely followed by the Netherlands, Scandinavians, and Austrians. Then come the...
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Sleep disorders

Sometimes you get the impression that we live in a strange world. We try to eat healthily, we exercise, we are mindful and are paying more attention to our health than ever. Yet we are sleeping badly, and the problem is only getting worse. Poor...
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Fog in the head

Who hasn’t experienced this? After a long evening with friends or a wonderful night of dancing — on nights like these you might feel completely wiped out the next day, making it hard to think clearly. But you quickly recover. Not so with Brain Fog....
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Good Sleep

We have arrived in the depths of winter and the nights have become very long. You can ask yourself the question, how is our sleep actually doing? Do you sleep well? And another question arises: Is restful sleep now a luxury item? It is now...
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Back Pain

Back Pain – An accurate diagnosis is important.

Details about a diagnosis for back pain The diagnosis for back pain involves a combination of questioning, medical history and describing the pain. The patient must become actively involved and answer the doctor’s questions as accurately as possible, because, unlike with other illnesses, he or...
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Back Pain


Most recently, we have written here in this health blog about traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), the traditional medicine with the widest distribution. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) combines many historically different Chinese forms of treatment as well as some diagnostic modalities. It is based on assumptions...
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Back Pain

Back pain in the lower back

Anyone who is affected by back pain, which causes persistent or recurring pain in the lower back, is therefore not alone. Medical professionals refer to lumbar spine syndrome, which frequently manifests itself as pain in the area of the cervical spine or thoracic spine. Particularly...
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